Dog Travel Guidelines to the USA

Starting August 1, 2024, there are new CDC regulations for bringing dogs into the USA. Depending on your dog’s travel history in the past six months, the requirements can differ.

You can find detailed guidelines on the CFIA website.

While following these rules is important for every pet owner, know that our team is here to help guide you through the process!

Additional requirements may apply depending on where the dog has been in the last 6 months and whether or not the dog was vaccinated in the United States. Use the CDC’s Q&A tool (the CDC “DogBot”) to determine what rules apply to your dog:

Traveling to Hot Climates with Your Pet

Travelling with your pet to hot climates requires careful planning and consideration to ensure their safety and well-being. Whether you're heading to a sunny beach destination, exploring a desert environment, or visiting any other hot climate, here are essential tips to make the journey enjoyable for both you and your furry companion:

  1. Schedule a Vet Check-Up: Visit your veterinarian for a thorough check-up before your trip. Ensure your pet is in good health, up-to-date on vaccinations, and discuss any specific concerns related to travelling in hot weather. A common concern is heartworm, so remember to pick up a parasite preventative too.
  2. Protect Against Heat: Pets can easily overheat, so take precautions to keep them cool. Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest parts of the day, provide shade when outdoors, and never leave your pet unattended in a parked car.
  3. Protect Paws and Feet: Hot surfaces such as sand, pavement, or boat decks can burn your pet's paw pads. Walk your pet on cooler surfaces or use booties to protect their feet from heat and potential injuries.
  4. Use Sun Protection: Protect your pet from the sun's harmful rays. Apply pet-safe sunscreen to exposed areas, especially if your pet has short or light-coloured fur. Consider using protective clothing or accessories like hats for added sun protection.
  5. Hydration is Key: Hot climates can lead to dehydration quickly. Pack plenty of fresh water for your pet and offer it frequently, especially during travel and outdoor activities. Use a portable water bowl for convenience.

By following these tips and planning ahead, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for both you and your pet in warmer climates. Responsible travel practices not only protect your pet's well-being but also makes for a more enjoyable experience for you. Have a fantastic journey!